Sunday, September 26, 2010

Mercurial branching

It takes time to get used to a new source control management system, but Mercurial HG visualization sure helps. 
Branching default branch to 1.5.1 release and 1.6.1 release. Look at these rail tracks:

I'm build the 1.5.1 release and the 1.6.1 release from two different VM's. Just to keep everything separated. 

 <target name="refresh" depends="clean-test" description="Update the source from Mercurial">
  <!-- create the source directory if needed -->
  <mkdir dir="${source.dir}" failonerror="true" unless="${directory::exists('source.dir')}" />
  <mkdir dir="${drop.dir}" failonerror="true" unless="${directory::exists('drop.dir')}" />
  <exec program="hg" commandline='pull -u ${repository.mercurial.rulemanager} -R ${source.dir} -v --branch 1.5.1'  failonerror="false"  verbose="${verbose}"/>       


Sonny and Share said...

I'm sorry. I don't understand your blog.

AlteredOpinions said...

Nice, followed

xdg-open; vscode acts as default application for html

Opening html files stopped launching the browser, but launched the vscode application. > xdg-mime query default text/html code-url-h...