Saturday, May 26, 2007

Suppress “A first chance exception of type…” Messages in VS 2005

When writing an API framework, it's good practice to throw appropriate framework exceptions. I have several extended application exceptions in my rule engine framework. When executing all unit tests, or just stepping through the development code, I would see hundred of messages in Visual Studio of 'A first chance exception of type' ...
This is just perfect behavior from my development point of view. I'm throwing these exceptions myself from the framework. I've made several attempts to find how to disable these messages. And finally I found the answer on Peter Macej blog:

How To Disable “A first chance exception of type…” Messages in VS 2005
So how do we suppress the messages? You most likely see these messages in
Immediate Window because you have set Redirect all Output Window text to the
Immediate Window in Tools - Options… - Debugging - General. That’s why when you
right-click in Immediate Window, you cannot see any option to disable messages.
It’s Output Window text and thus you need to set it in the Output Window. So
open Output Window, right-click and uncheck Exception Messages from context
menu. Simple but it took me one hour to find it.

It was just a simple context menu option on the Output window: Uncheck the 'Exception Messages'.

I was always trying to do this somewhere in the Debug \ Exceptions form. Well I'm glad I found it. It makes the Output windows trace less convoluted with irrelevant messages.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

WebCast about Windows Workflow Foundation Rules

Tomorrow, there is a free webcast by Kavita Kamani (Microsoft) about using the rules engine that is part of Windows Workflow Foundation. You can register for this event here.

Microsoft's rules engine is a bare bones forward-chaining rules engine. The rule engine can also be invoked without using the workflow engine. When you export a business rule policy from the Rule Manager, it will generate a C# solution that illustrates how rules are invoked without the workflow engine.

Start Date: 5/18/07
Start Time: 2:00 PM (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
End Time: 3:30 PM (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

xdg-open; vscode acts as default application for html

Opening html files stopped launching the browser, but launched the vscode application. > xdg-mime query default text/html code-url-h...