Friday, October 15, 2004

Book Offer: Microsoft BizTalk Server 2004 unleashed

The book (by Scott Woodgate, Stephen Mohr, Brian Loesgen ISBN 0-672-32598-5) seems to be getting into it's final stage. There was a page advertisement in the MSDN magazine of November 2004 (Vol 19 NO 11 Page 108) offering a 30% discount for ordering the book from (plus free shipping).

On Sams website I could not find any link or discount coupon. I opened an issue with Customer Service and they are contacting the Sams Marketing to inquire how we can get the 30% discount.

Update (18 Oct 2004):

I received an email from the Sams Marketing with the following information: In order to get the 30% discount you have to use the coupon code BIZTALK (note it must be all caps!). You enter the coupon code on the 'Payment Method' page in the order process. A review of the discount will be shown on the 'Place Order' page. The offer is valid till the Dec 15.

In a couple of days Sams website will provide a direct link.

xdg-open; vscode acts as default application for html

Opening html files stopped launching the browser, but launched the vscode application. > xdg-mime query default text/html code-url-h...